Thursday, September 17, 2020

Library- Best STEM books


Looking to add STEM books to your library?  These books "emphasize real- world issues that cross disciplinary boundaries".  The list of 17 plus books range from grades K-12th grade to help span all reading levels, provides a brief description of each book, and lists the criteria and rubric for how these books were selected.  Check back often for updated lists.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Book Lists

Book lists that support Science and Engineering 

Looking for books that support STEMscopes (K-2) and Building Blocks of Science (3-5) classroom lessons?  Both STEMscopes and Building Blocks of Science have K-5th grade titles listed.  

Monday, January 27, 2020

National School Library Standards cross walk with NGSS

Library and the Next Generation Science Standards 

Looking for connections between the library standards and the NGSS?  Check out this eight page document that lays out those connections in an easy to read format.
In addition, this one page "Because Everyone is a Learner" visual aid, is a great way to increase conversations with your learning community. 

Because Everyone Is a Learner- Infographic- Link
National School Library Standards crosswalk with NGSS- Link