Monday, September 16, 2019

STEM and/or Maker Space Read Aloud ideas


Recently updated to include classroom 
grade level connections:

Looking for some great STEM books to add to your library collection?  Check out the link below for some titles that help encourage students to make meaningful connections with text and inspire them to play, explore, invent and create.

Thursday, September 12, 2019

PE- Teaming STEM With Physical Education

This one page article discusses how students  can use hurdles and workouts to build on STEM concepts.  This brief read talks about the benefit seen in one schools classroom after implementing STEM  concepts using simple machines. 

Teaming STEM with Physical Education- Link

Monday, September 9, 2019

Free Scientist career cards

This FREE resource features over 215 different scientist and engineer career opportunity cards.  These colorful cards are printed on heavy cardstock making them great resources for student regardless of their age.  Interested in handing them out to students, or interested in their additional cards, order a second set. Have a great way to share these cards with students?  Post your ideas in the comment section below.     

FREE Scientist & Engineer cards- Link

Friday, September 6, 2019

Why Arts Are Essential in a STEM Education


This 2016 article discusses the connections between art and STEM, and how creativity might be the key to connecting with students who struggle with math, science or technology.  Included in this link are additionals art integration articles such as; Arts as Text: Bridging Literacy and the Arts

Why Arts Are Essential in STEM Education- Link